The Department of Planning & Community Development supports several boards and commissions relating to land use, historic sites and properties, and environmental preservation.

Bayfront Advisory Commission

Reviews and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding public and private projects and issues associated with the Bayfront area.

Board of Building Code Appeals

The Board of Building Code Appeals shall hear and render fair and competent decisions regarding the application of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code.

Board of Zoning Appeals

Reviews variance requests to the Zoning Ordinance and appeals of decisions of the Zoning Administrator.

Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Board

Continue Review of various requests to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance (CBPAO).

Green Ribbon Committee

Advises the City Council on matters relating to the improvement of water quality in Virginia Beach waterways.

Historic Preservation Commission

Advises the City Council on issues related to the preservation of historic buildings, structures and sites.

Historical Review Board

Reviews applications for certificates of appropriateness relating to exterior design, materials and finishes of buildings and structures; demolitions; and signage within the Districts.

Old Beach Design Review Committee

A resource for those seeking to develop within the Old Beach Overlay District.

Planning Commission

Reviews applications submitted for changes to zoning districts, conditional use permits, street closures, zoning ordinance and plan amendments, and other land use and zoning matters. Commission recommendations are provided to the City Council.

Resort Advisory Commission

Advises the City Council regarding projects and issues associated with the Oceanfront Resort Area.

Short Term Rental Enforcement Task Force

The task force shall study the many aspects of short-term rental enforcement and registration,

Stormwater Appeals Board

This is the appeal authority designated by City Council to hear appeals from any permit applicant or permittee, or person subject to ordinance requirements aggrieved by an action of the City taken in regard to the Ordinance.

Transition Area/ITA Citizens Advisory Committee

Serves as a liaison between residents/businesses and the City Council concerning land use and matters within the TA and ITA, located between the urbanized regions to the north and the rural area to the south.

Virginia Beach VA250 Committee

This committee was established in 2023 to commemorate the local events and achievements associated with the American Revolution 250 years ago.

Wetlands Board

Reviews permit requests for the use, alteration, or development of tidal wetlands, coastal primary sand dunes and beaches, as well as violations of the regulations and has the option to assess civil charges and orders of restoration.

To see a list of all City-appointed boards, commissions and committees, go to the City Clerk's website