Historical Review Board
An appointed body that reviews applications relating to properties located in the city's designated historic and cultural districts.
An appointed body that reviews applications relating to properties located in the city's designated historic and cultural districts.
The Historical Review Board (HRB) is an eight-member body appointed by the City Council to review requests for new development and exterior building changes within the historic and cultural districts in Virginia Beach.
The board evaluates the development proposal's compatibility in terms of design and materials and determines when to issue a certificate of appropriateness (COA), which is required before a permit can be issued.
Owners of properties located in designated historic and cultural districts must get approval from the Historical Review Board for exterior alterations, repairs, and/or maintenance; additions; new construction; signs; and demolition. Board approval is in the form of a certificate of appropriateness.
Certificate of appropriateness applications must be submitted on or before the 10th of each month. The submittal process includes a completed application form and a disclosure statement. There are separate application forms for different types of projects. There are no fees for COA applications.
In addition to the regulations established by the ordinance that created the historic and cultural district, the underlying regulations of the zoning district where the property is located are also applicable. If any conflict occurs, the more restrictive provisions apply.
The Virginia Beach Historical Register is a separate program that recognizes local historic resources of merit, which may or may not be in a Historic and Cultural Overlay District. This program is administered by the Department of Planning and Community Development. Learn more about the Virginia Beach Historical Register by calling (757) 385-4621 or by visiting the Historic Preservation Commission website.
As part of a Certified Local Government grant from the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, a set of draft design guidelines was developed in 2021 for the City’s historic and cultural districts and are currently going through an approval process. These draft guidelines provide helpful, interpretive, explanatory recommendations for appropriate design elements and materials for property owners to consider when planning projects.
Applications are due on or before the 10th of each month.
Submit application(s) and disclosure statement to Mark Reed at mreed@vbgov.com or contact him by phone at 757-385-8573.
The Historical Review Board meets at 4 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month in the conference room at the Department of Planning & Community Development, 2875 Sabre St., Suite 500. To speak on any agenda item, register by contacting Mark Reed at mreed@vbgov.com or 757-385-7573 at least 30 minutes in advance of the scheduled meeting time.
Beginning in September 2024, the agenda and staff report is combined into a single agenda packet.
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Steve McNaughton, chair
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Richard "Dick" Poole, vice chair
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Hayden DuBay
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Charles “Lynn” Hightower
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Bernice Pope
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Jim Vachon
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