Meeting Cancellation

The Wetlands Board Meeting that was originally scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 19, has been canceled due to weather-related delays. All items will be added to the March agenda.

The Wetlands Board is composed of seven members, appointed by the City Council, who review permit requests for the use, alteration, or development of tidal-wetlands, coastal primary sand dunes, and beaches. Members serve five-year terms.

The board's wetlands jurisdiction for non-vegetated wetlands (sand flat, mud flat, etc.) lies between mean low water and mean high water. Vegetated wetlands jurisdiction is from mean low water to an elevation one and one-half times the mean tide range. 

The mean tide range is approximately 2 feet for rivers and bay areas and 3 1/2 feet for ocean areas. Upland of that elevation, the board does not have jurisdiction; however, a waterfront construction permit from the Waterfront Operations Bureau may still be required. 

The board also reviews violations of the regulations and has the option to assess civil charges and/or order restoration of the site.

If you have questions, contact a waterfront inspector, (757) 385-8246.

Application Information

The presence of the wetlands may affect where to build, buy or develop. Permission to fill, alter, or build​ in or around wetlands is usually required.​

Applications for wetlands and coastal primary sand dune projects can be obtained from the Army Corps of Engineers.

Both applications require a legal advertisement posted in a local newspaper, notification of adjacent property owners, and signs advertising the public hearing. The Planning & Community Development Department prepares the legal advertisements.

City specific guidelines are available on how to fill out the joint permit application, which should be emailed to the Virginia Marine Resource Commission (VMRC),

Submittal packages containing application, plans, disclosure statement and processing fees (sealed in an envelope) and addressed to Shannon Heederik can also be dropped off in the city treasurer’s drop box at Planning & Community Development, 2875 Sabre Street.

For more information, contact the Waterfront Operations staff at (757) 385-8246, or

Filing Deadline

The deadline for filing an application to be heard by the Wetlands Board is the first day of each month for the following month’s hearing.


  • Waterfront construction and dredging projects - $230
  • Wetlands permits, projects that impact wetlands - $450
  • Wetland deferrals - $230
  • Coastal primary sand dune projects - $450
  • Coastal primary sand dune deferrals - $230
  • Sand management applications - $230
  • Sandbridge general permit applications - $100

The payment submitted should include a cover letter that references the applicant's name, address and phone number. All checks and money orders are to be made payable to: Treasurer, City of Virginia Beach, and sent directly to the Planning & Community Development Department, Attention: Wetlands/Waterfront, 2875 Sabre Street, Suite 500, Virginia Beach, VA 23452.


The Wetlands Board meets the third Monday of each month at the Municipal Center, 2401 Courthouse Drive, Building 1. Informal sessions are held at 9 a.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room 2034 for staff to brief the board on agenda items. Public hearings are held at 10 a.m. in the City Council chamber.

Copies of the proposed plans, ordinances, amendments and/or resolutions are available for public review online and by appointment in the Planning Department & Community Development at 2875 Sabre St, Suite 500. Staff reports are available online five days prior to the meeting.

For reasonable meeting accommodation due to a disability, call the department. If you are hearing impaired, contact Virginia Relay at 711 for TDD service.

Wetlands Board Members



Term Begins

Term Ends



Term Begins

Oct. 1, 2015

Term Ends

Sept. 30, 2027



Term Begins

Jan. 17, 2023

Term Ends

Aug. 31, 2026


vice chair

Term Begins

Dec 6, 2022

Term Ends

Dec. 31, 2027



Term Begins

Oct. 1, 2023

Term Ends

Sept. 30, 2028



Term Begins

June 23, 2020

Term Ends

May 31, 2025



Term Begins

Sept. 19, 2015

Term Ends

Sept. 30, 2028



Term Begins

Nov. 20, 2018

Term Ends

Sept. 30, 2028




Term Begins

Jan. 16, 2024

Term Ends

Dec. 31, 2027



Term Begins

Jan. 2, 2024

Term Ends

Aug. 31, 2029



Term Begins

July 2, 2024

Term Ends

Sept. 30, 2025

Staff Liaison


Waterfront Construction & Dredging

​A waterfront construction permit is required to construct, alter, or repair, landings, docks, bulkheads and similar structures. A $230 nonrefundable processing fee is required for all waterfront construction and dredging permit applications.​​​

All waterfront construction and dredging requests must be submitted on a joint permit application​ (JPA) to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC). VMRC then distributes the application to other agencies for review, including the Army Corps of Engineers, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, and the City. 

Dredging permits are also required to provide a surety bond or other form of surety prior to the issuance of the permit. The amount of the bond is determined by Planning & Community Development. 

Beach vitex

Beach Vitex

This sprawling, salt-tolerant, perennial shrub is native to Korea and was introduced to the United States in the 1980s as a beach stabilization plant. It has since been labeled an invasive plant that spreads aggressively, crowding out native plant species and possibly destroying sea turtle nesting habitat. 

Eradicating beach vitex is a critical effort. The City has developed a program to help homeowners with proper eradication and disposal of beach vitex and has also created a list of acceptable beach and sand dune plant replacements and their growing seasons. 

For more information and to report beach vitex sightings, contact the Department of Planning & Community Development, Waterfront Operations at (757) 385-8246, or