Planning Commission
An appointed body that reviews issues and policies related to planning, land use regulation and community development.
An appointed body that reviews issues and policies related to planning, land use regulation and community development.
The Planning Commission is an 11-member body appointed by the City Council to review land use and zoning matters in Virginia Beach.
Applications submitted to the City for changes to zoning districts, conditional use permits, street closures, zoning ordinances, and plan amendments, as well as other land use and zoning matters, are reviewed by the Planning director and City staff. The applications will go before the commission with the recommendations from City staff based on whether the requests are consistent with the City's policies, plans and ordinances.
Commission members review staff reports and vote on the submitted applications during a monthly public hearing. That recommendation is then sent to the City Council for a final decision.
The Planning Commission meets at noon the second Wednesday of the month in the City Council chamber at City Hall, 2nd Floor, Building 1, 2401 Courthouse Drive. Staff briefings are held at 9 a.m.
Copies of the proposed plans, ordinances, amendments and/or resolutions under review by the commission are available online prior to each meeting and can also be examined by appointment in the Planning Department, 2875 Sabre St., Suite 500. Staff reports are posted online five days prior to the meeting.
Planning Commission public hearings air live on VBTV, which is available on Cox Cable Channel 48, Verizon Cable Channel 45, and on the City's multimedia webpage.
Meetings are rebroadcast on Cox Channel 48 the following morning at 9 a.m. and Verizon Cable Channel 47 at 7 p.m. on two consecutive Fridays following the live meeting. The meeting will also be available on the City's YouTube channel under the "Planning Commission Meetings" playlist.
A sign-up sheet for those interested in speaking in person on proposed applications is available in the Council Chamber prior to each Planning Commission meeting.
To comment virtually, register for WebEx online and contact the Planning Department at (757) 385-1954 or kbauer@vbgov.com before 5 p.m. the day before the public hearing.
Those in need of reasonable accommodation due to a disability should also call the Planning Department prior to the meeting. People who are hearing impaired can contact Virginia Relay at 711 for TDD service.
Term Begins
Term Ends
Staff Liaison