​​​In order to create the type of development envisioned in the Pembroke Strategic Growth Area Plan, the City is drafting new zoning regulations for this area that will be specific to each of the six districts described in the plan.​​

Central Business Core (CBC) District

The first district to receive new zoning is the Central Business Core (CBC) District, which includes Town Center and is bordered by Kellam Road, Broad Street, Beasley Drive, and the Norfolk Southern Railway line. The CBC Zoning District was approved by City Council on Feb. 25, 2014, and can be found in Article 22 of the City Zoning Ordinance.

​CBC Sign Ordinance

The City Council approved an ordinance to amend the Central Business Core (CBC) sign regulations and Design Guidelines on Oct. 18, 2016. Working with the Central Business District Association (CBDA), City staff identified changes and refinements needed to simplify the rules related to signs and allow for more creativity.

Drafting the New Zoning

As with the CBC District, City staff is working closely with the CBDA and other stakeholders to draft new zoning ordinances for the remaining five districts along with design guidelines that demonstrate site, building and sign designs envisioned for the area.

Review & Approval

All new proposed zoning changes must be reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council through the standard public hearing process. The role of the Commission is to consider the details of the proposal and listen to staff and public comments to make a recommendation to the City Council. 

The Council, in turn, also listens to comments during its public hearings before voting to approve or deny the proposal. Hearings take place in the City Council Chamber, Building 1, Municipal Center, 2401 Courthouse Drive.

CBC District Map