When zoning violations occur, be sure to note the details prior to lodging your complaint.
When zoning violations occur, be sure to note the details prior to lodging your complaint.
The zoning administrator enforces the provisions outlined in the City's zoning ordinance. That includes ordering in writing that violations be remedied and when necessary, pursuing legal action to ensure compliance through injunction, abatement or other appropriate action.
When reporting a complaint, try to answer the following basic details: who, what, when and where, and be sure to include the times of the violation. The more information you can provide, the better the chance for a resolution.
Once a complaint is received, it's referred to a zoning inspector to investigate. Complaints can be submitted anonymously.
A list of the kinds of violations that Virginia Beach zoning inspectors investigate when a complaint is received.
Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) violations
Business in a residence
Commercial equipment
Commercial vehicles
Conditional use permit (CUP) violations
Illegal dwellings
Portable storage containers
Shed encroachment
Short-term rentals
Signs in the right-of-way
Temporary signs on private property
Yard sales (residential)