The Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development and City consultants have drafted two concept plans for the Central Beach Area (Concept A Central Green Alternative and Concept B North-South Connections Alternative). 

Residents and businesses located near the Resort Oceanfront are encouraged to review the two draft plans that envision a possible future of the area and provide feedback via this survey.

  • The plans, developed based on previous community engagement, outline development guidelines for:
  • The areas surrounding the Convention and Sports centers
  • The Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA)
  • The Visitor’s Center
  • Parking
  • Open spaces
  • Stormwater
  • Housing types
  • A sense of arrival
  • Connectivity

Economic Development is soliciting public feedback before the final preferred plan is prepared. The concepts are illustrative examples of development scenarios and infrastructure ideas that address opportunities and issues in the study area.

Since the adoption of the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP) 2030 in June of 2020, there has seen an influx of development interest throughout the city, especially in the Central Beach area of the Resort. 

To address this, a Central Beach Small Area Planning process began in the spring of 2024 to create and refine a redevelopment plan showing how land should be used within the boundary in accordance with the RASAP vision and zoning regulations.

The planning area extends from Birdneck Road to Mediterranean Avenue from west to east and from Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art to Norfolk Avenue from north to south. The full study scope, process, schedule and work completed to date are available online.

The survey will be available until 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan 10, 2025.

Take the Survey