Comprehensive Plan
Setting goals and priorities for the City's growth and development over the decades to come.
Setting goals and priorities for the City's growth and development over the decades to come.
Our consultant is working to provide accessible documents for online review. In the meantime, the draft document of the Comprehensive Plan is available for viewing at the Planning Department office located at 2875 Sabre Street Suite 500 Virginia Beach, VA 23452. Please contact Hank Morrison at jmorrison@vbgov.com or 757-385-4319 with any questions.
The Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) is a formal document produced through the City's Comprehensive Planning process and projects Virginia Beach 20 to 25 years into the future. The Comp Plan guides development and investment across the city, and all Capital Improvements Program (CIP) projects and new land development projects are evaluated for consistency with the Comp Plan.
It is authorized by the state through enabling legislation, Section 15.2-2223 of the Virginia Code, which requires all localities to prepare a formal document from this process called a Comprehensive Plan. As outlined in Section 15.2-2230 of the state code, the Comp Plan is reviewed by the Planning Commission at least once every five years to determine whether amendments need to be made to the document.
Step I: The Virginia Beach City Council and Planning Commission vote to approve the development of a plan based on a recommendation from City staff. This approach expands on existing City Council priorities and goals that were established during the council's yearly retreat. Status: COMPLETE
Step II: The Commonwealth of Virginia requires the Planning Commission to conduct a thorough study of existing conditions and trends prior to developing the Comprehensive Plan. In the past, a City-staff prepared technical report detailed those findings; this year, however, staff created an interactive Existing Conditions StoryMap that provides a richer understanding of the community environment. Status: COMPLETE
Step III: Various public input and outreach opportunities are provided through surveys, public meetings, and civic league and community group presentations. That feedback is used to shape the vision of the Comprehensive Plan and other City strategic planning. Status: COMPLETE
Step IV: Develop a draft plan through extensive multi-departmental staff collaboration, Planning Commission workshops, City Council briefings, public meetings and focus groups. Status: ONGOING
Step V: A series of public hearings are held to review the updated Comprehensive Plan draft, starting with the Planning Commission and followed by the City Council, which must vote to adopt the plan.
Explore the planning areas that support residents' diverse lifestyles.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, please email CompPlan@vbgov.com.