Analysis for Central Beach
Based on the feedback received, the City will be developing a single preferred alternative for final vetting by stakeholders and City Council.
The Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP) was initially adopted in 2008 and the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 was adopted by City Council on June 2, 2020. Since the recent adoption, Virginia Beach has seen an influx of development interest throughout the City, especially in areas of the Resort such as the Central Beach Area. As a result, the Planning Department will explore a Small Area Plan that directly addresses and adheres to the RASAP vision and zoning regulations and refine a redevelopment plan showing where land uses should be within the boundary.
Central Beach Study Area
City staff and the consulting team will work through a series of technical and engagement steps to provide a Small Area Plan for the Central Beach Study Area. It begins with a reconnaissance of the existing conditions and a review of the RASAP vision, targeted stakeholder engagement, and then shifts into creating a Small Area Plan.

Existing Conditions Analysis
Analysis of existing conditions will document the existing development, infrastructure, and planned conditions within the study area. It will summarize opportunities and issues and serve as the basis for a Conceptual Small Area Plan.
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder engagement will help better understand the common concerns and aspirations for the study area. The goal is to develop a clearer understanding of how the public and key stakeholders perceive the study area and what changes they would make to improve the form and function of the area. The initial stakeholder engagement process was conducted in June and July 2024. View the summary of the engagement results.
Conceptual Small Area Plan
A Conceptual Small Area Plan scenario that aligns with the RASAP vision will be created. Input gathered from the engagement and review of the existing conditions will be used to outline a future development scenario which will illustrate development and infrastructure concepts that address opportunities and issues in the study area. It will illustrate enhanced street networks, open spaces, and parking concepts and include generalized 2D illustrative renderings of existing and proposed buildings. The scenario will focus on differing possibilities for the Convention Center and Sports Center and surrounding areas, such as complementary uses and parking strategies.
Preferred Small Area Plan
A Preferred Small Area Plan will then be developed further using the features vetted in previous drafts of the Conceptual Small Area Plan and through additional targeted inclusions with City staff.
Final Preferred Small Area Plan and Implementation Strategy Report
A graphically driven report will be created and will include the final Small Area Plan illustrations, data, and features. The Final Small Area Plan and Implementation Strategy will be presented to the RAC for review and comments, and City Council for review, comment, and approval. Any final modifications requested by the RAC or City Council will be addressed before finalization.