Transportation Planning
Envisioning the future of transportation in Virginia Beach.
Envisioning the future of transportation in Virginia Beach.
The Master Transportation Plan (MTP) envisions a future featuring a multimodal local and regional transportation network in Virginia Beach.
The MTP is created in accordance with the Code of Virginia §15.2-2223. This comprehensive planning assessment evaluates existing conditions around the city and considers future transportation trends and needs.
Primary Transportation Goals for Virginia Beach:
A key component of the Master Transportation Plan is the Primary Roadway Network Plan Map, which is a key planning tool for the development of the city’s street network. The map was developed in conjunction with the Public Works Department's standards and specifications, and identifies the general road corridor locations, classification, and the ultimate proposed motor vehicular lane number and general configuration.
Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) is the public transit provider for the City of Virginia Beach. Regional bus routes run throughout the city connecting riders to popular spots, such as Town Center, the Virginia Beach Oceanfront and the Municipal Center. The city is served by three major route types: fixed regular routes, MAX Express routes and seasonal bus routes. Paratransit demand-response service is also provided along its fixed-route services.
The Public Transportation StoryMap provides a guide to the city's HRT bus route network, bus stops and paratransit service. The StoryMap also explores the City's Bus Shelter Improvement Program and Transit Dependent Populations.
Bus Shelter Improvement Program
In 2016, only 5% of the 500+ bus stops in Virginia Beach have shelters. However, in 2016-2017, City Council approved $668,000 to build 24 new bus shelters, doubling the number of shelters throughout the city. Regional funding in 2021 is also scheduled to add another nearly $400,000 toward bus stop improvements such as service amenities, including more new shelters. Explore the Public Transportation StoryMap to see which bus stops are currently planned for improvements.
Driving, walking, bicycling, and taking the bus are the main modes of transportation in Virginia Beach. Every year the City is making that network better - widening roads, making transit improvements, and building new biking and walking trails.
Streets that are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities.
Hampton Roads Transit is the public transportation provider for the region offering a variety of transport services throughout Virginia Beach.
Virginia Beach has over 300 miles of bikeways and trails found in over 230 parks and natural areas, as well as 27 miles of unpaved paths in two state parks and a federal wildlife refuge.
The City of Virginia Beach offers a variety of programs to provide convenient parking.