The coastal context areas may be found along Virginia Beach’s Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean. These areas would grow to enhance their unique coastal character and activities.
- Planning area neighborhoods in the comprehensive plan, such as Shore Drive, North End, and Sandbridge would continue to be guided by adopted plans.
- Community hubs would be collaboratively located and planned.
- The City would plan for and build walking and biking paths between neighborhoods and community hubs
- New transition zone policies and regulations would be created to protect neighborhoods adjacent to centers and corridors.
- Shoreline and coastal management policies would be maintained and updated to promote neighborhood stability
Coastal Centers
- Design concepts and policies of the comprehensive plan’s Resort Area Strategic Growth Area (SGA) would continue to guide development.
- The Resort Area SGA would be designated as a regional center, and new policies adopted to foster the location of regional businesses and civic uses into the center.
- One or more city centers would be identified and planned outside the Resort Area SGA.
- Design guidelines and form-based zoning codes would be created to guide development in centers.

Coastal Multimodal Corridors
- Virginia Beach Boulevard would be designated as a regional corridor and designed to provide multimodal access from the City to the Hampton Roads region and beyond.
- The Virginia Beach Boulevard corridor would be designed to support premium transit, such as bus rapid transit with transit-oriented development around stations.
- Development along Shore Drive would follow the Shore Drive Corridor plan and design guidelines.
- Existing development patterns and uses will not change along Atlantic Avenue north of the Resort Area SGA.