Right of Way
A permit is required for any activity within a City-owned right of way or easement.
A permit is required for any activity within a City-owned right of way or easement.
To protect the public's health, safety and welfare, a permit is required for constructing anything in a City-owned right of way or easement.
Permits are reviewed and approved by Civil Inspections typically within 10 working days of receipt of the application and state the conditions and requirements for activities to take place. In some cases, an engineer's cost estimate may also be required.
The Development Services Center (DSC) generally covers right of way permits pertaining to new subdivisions, site construction and larger projects requiring approved plans for activities.
Activities in a right of way that require a permit may include, but are not limited to:
In an effort to safely and effectively move vehicles and pedestrians through the oceanfront and Sandbridge areas during the summer months, the Department of Public Works has developed a Seasonal Restriction Policy and Variance Request procedure for construction activity impacting the right-of-way.
Between May 1 and September 30, construction activity that involves sidewalk and/or lane closures is not permitted in the oceanfront or Sandbridge areas. The Department of Public Works, Traffic Engineering division’s Roadway Work Hours lists specific roadways impacted by this policy as well as other roadways with construction activity restrictions.
In specific cases, the Director of Public Works may authorize and approve variances or waivers from strict application of the seasonal restriction policy where appropriate and justifiable to the individual situation. For consideration, the applicant must submit the variance request with complete documentation and justifiable support in accordance with the instructions provided on the form.