Floodplain Management
Virginia Beach's elevation and proximity to water makes it susceptible to flooding.
Virginia Beach's elevation and proximity to water makes it susceptible to flooding.
Residential and commercial properties in Virginia Beach are commonly threatened by floodwaters due to periods of heavy rain, hurricanes or nor'easter storms.
And just because you haven’t experienced a flood in the past, doesn’t mean you won’t in the future.
There are many things to consider when developing in flood prone areas, including building requirements, flood insurance and steps you can take now to mitigate future flood damage.
The Virginia Beach Code of Ordinances regulates development in a floodplain. A permit is required for all construction and development (any manmade change) in areas designated as Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs).
This includes, but is not limited to, building or other structures, the placement of manufactured homes, filling, grading, paving, excavation, storage of equipment or materials, or the subdivision of land. Contact Permits & Inspections for specific requirements.
Substantial Damage/Improvement
In accordance with the floodplain ordinance, buildings in the SFHA may be modified, altered, repaired, reconstructed, or improved subject to the following conditions:
Building Elevation
All new or improved residential buildings located in a SFHA must be elevated so the lowest floor (or lowest horizontal structural member for structures located in a V zone) is above the base flood elevation indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).
This additional elevation above the base flood elevation is called freeboard. Nonresidential structures have the option of flood proofing instead of meeting the elevation requirements. The required freeboard varies depending on flood zone and location in the city.
The SFHA in the southern part of Virginia Beach has been designated as a floodplain subject to special restrictions and has additional requirements regarding the use of fill.
Elevation Certificates
Elevation certificates are used to rate a home’s flood risk by comparing the elevation of the first floor to estimated height floodwaters will reach in a major flood.
If you live in a Special Flood Hazard Area, you should provide an elevation certificate to your insurance agent to obtain flood insurance and ensure that your premium accurately reflects your risk. It can also help you make decisions about rebuilding and mitigation after a disaster.
The City of Virginia Beach participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which is offered through FEMA for homeowners in flood prone areas. Separate policies are needed for protection against wind and flood damage and can be obtained through the agency that provides your homeowner insurance. Contact your insurance agent for information on your coverage.
The Planning Department is responsible for the administration of the program and flood insurance rate maps (FIRM) are available at 2875 Sabre St., Suite 500, as well as the FEMA Map Service Center online.
Flood Zone Determination
Planning & Community Development can provide both verbal and written flood zone determinations. Call (757) 385-4621 or submit a request online.
Flood insurance rate maps are available through FEMA's Map Service Center and the City's online mapping service. To view your flood zone using Virginia Beach City Map do the following:
In the upper right search window, enter your street address, including city and state, and click on the magnifying glass icon. The map should zoom into your property.
Select the contents icon (middle icon on the top left-hand side) to open a list of available data.
Click the box next to Flood Zones – Effective Jan. 16, 2015, to activate the flood zone layer.
If the map doesn't have shaded color on the parcel or shows a pink hashed shading, your property is not currently in a Special Flood Hazard Area. This doesn't mean you'll never experience flooding, only that you are at a lower risk.
If the map shows a blue hashed shading, your property is in an AE flood zone, which is a Special Flood Hazard Area that has a 1% chance of an annual flood, or 26% during a 30-year mortgage period.
If the map shows a yellow hashed shading, your property is in a VE flood zone, which is a coastal area with a 1% or greater chance of flooding and an additional hazard associated with storm waves. It has a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30‐year mortgage.
Tips for Homeowners to Prevent Flood Damage
The Federal Emergency Management Agency provides detailed information on how to protect your property from flood damage.
Retrofitting Existing Development
FEMA's Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting is a great resource for people interested in protecting themselves from future floods.
Several funding options are available to protect your home from future flood damage.