Lynnhaven SGA
This strategic growth area features adjacent natural assets such as the Lynnhaven River and London Bridge Creek as well as healthy neighborhoods.
This strategic growth area features adjacent natural assets such as the Lynnhaven River and London Bridge Creek as well as healthy neighborhoods.
The vision of the Lynnhaven SGA is a series of mixed-use and flexible developments along with targeted public infrastructure improvements.
The under-performing commercial properties will have the opportunity to transform into higher intensity uses to take advantage of the potential of transit and/or preserve and provide access to the Lynnhaven River.
At the center of the redevelopment may be a new transit station with a park-and-ride, connection to nearby office uses and transfer service to Lynnhaven Mall.
Interested in developing in the Lynnhaven SGA?
Virginia Beach welcomes projects of all shapes and sizes, and the City’s Planning staff can help guide new development ideas from conception to final inspections.
Development Liaisons are available based on a project’s proposed location, development type and current phase.
The Lynnhaven SGA takes its name and heritage from the Lynnhaven River system that is a major presence throughout. The entire area is heavily impacted by Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) restrictions associated with flight patterns at Oceana Naval Air Station, including noise zones and two accident potential zones.
This gateway to the Great Neck peninsula exhibits an excessive number of nonconforming signs, overhead utilities, roadway access points, and building and site designs, largely because the London Bridge area is one of the oldest commercial areas in Virginia Beach. Its retrofit with a modern roadway system has improved function more than appearance.
This SGA is attractive to businesses seeking easy access to transportation and serving the vast residential areas surrounding it. It offers an Interstate 264 interchange, including new on-off ramps to London Bridge Road, three major crossing arterial connections, and is under study for a potential future transit stop.
The Lynnhaven SGA Master Plan (Archived) seeks to capitalize on existing adjacent assets such as the Lynnhaven River/ London Bridge Creek and healthy neighborhoods. Land uses are oriented to maintaining the potential for a district that provides these neighborhoods with a place to work, learn and play, all within an easy walk or short drive.
Key Recommendations